20-21 Nov 2023 France (France)


The first edition of the Auditory Development Workshop took place on the 20-21 of November 2023 in Paris

If you would like to register to the workshop mailing list, please use the registration link. We will have a second edition of this workshop probably in 2025 and will keep you posted!

The main objective of this 2-day workshop is to bring together European researchers exploring human auditory development in order to exchange about our latest results on the development of: auditory scene analyses, spatial hearing, speech perception, auditory physiological responses, auditory functions, auditory cognition, and atypical auditory perception.

The program compised six sessions of talks and one poster session during two days.

This workshop was entirely free of charge thanks to different sponsors (Faculty of Sciences Univ Paris Cité, LABEX Empiral Foundation of Linguistics, ANR, ERC). However, we will ask all participants to register online.

Below are more details about the talks and invited speakers as well as the key dates.

The program of the two days of 2023 can be found on "Program" page.

Key Dates

- Abstract submission for poster opens: September 11th 2023

- Abstract closing: September 29th 2023

- Abstract Acceptance: October 10th 2023

- Registration: October 16th - November 10th 2023

Program at one glance

Monday 20 November

9h: Welcome coffee (Salle des Conférences, 2nd Floor)

9h30: Session 1. Development of auditory physiological responses (Salle des Conférences, 2nd Floor)

- Carles Escera (Spain) Neural mechanisms for early speech sound neural encoding: insights from the frequency-following responses

- Axelle Calcus (Belgium) Effect of childhood hearing loss on the subcortical and cortical representation of speech

- Maxime Niesen (Belgium) Developmental aspects of speech-in-noise perception from neuromagnetic recordings

11h Coffee Break

11h30: Session 2. Development of Spatial Hearing and Scene Analysis (Salle des Conférences, 2nd Floor)

- Stuart Rosen (UK) From 0 to 16 in 12 years: Extended Developmental Trends in the Spatial Release of Masking for Highly Informational Maskers

- Elena Benocci (Belgium) Neural signatures of stream segregation: from childhood to adulthood

- Sheila Flanagan (UK) Cocktail Parties and Classrooms: The development of binaural temporal fine structure sensitivity.

13h: Lunch (Salle Lavoisier B, 3rd floor)

14h30: Poster Session (Salle Lavoisier B, 3rd floor)

16h30: Session 3. Development of speech perception (Salle des Conférences, 2nd Floor)

- Monica Hegde (France) The processing of the spectro-temporal modulations of speech in infancy

- Outi Tuomainen (Germany) Speech comprehension in background noise in normally hearing children and adolescents

- Deniz Baskent (The Netherlands) Perception of speech in single-talker speech masker in children with normal hearing, hearing aids, or cochlear implants

18h: Round Table (Salle des Conférences, 2nd Floor)

19h: Banquet (Room Rita Lévi-Montalcini, H432, 4th floor)


Tuesday 21 November

9h: Welcome Coffee (Salle des Conférences, 2nd Floor)

9h30: Session 4. Development of Auditory Functions(Salle des Conférences, 2nd Floor)

- Brigitta Tóth (Hungary) Neonatal statistical learning and beyond

- Charlotte Benoit (France) Psychophysical measures of spectral and temporal auditory processing in childhood

- Jessica Dubois (France) Structural brain substrates of auditory development: neuroimaging exploration in infants

11h: Coffee break

11h30: Session 5. Development of auditory cognition (Salle des Conférences, 2nd Floor)

- Hannah Stewart (UK) Cognition and listening difficulties.

- Barbara Tillmann (France) Rhythm processing in music and speech

- Sophie Bouton (France) How can the maturation of neuronal oscillations support language development?

13h: Lunch (Room Grignard C, 4th floor)

14h30: Session 6. Development of Hearing in Atypical Populations (Salle des Conférences, 2nd Floor)

Niki Vavatzanidis & Anja Hahne (Germany) The auditory development in deaf children after cochlear implantation

- Tine Arras (Belgium) Auditory and language development in children with single-sided deafness with and without a cochlear implant

- Bonnie Lau (US) Auditory processing in autism


16h- End of the workshop


Axelle Calcus, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Laurianne Cabrera, CNRS-Université Paris Cité, France


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