20-21 Nov 2023 France (France)


Here is the list of poster titles and authors who will present their work at the workshop (in alphabetical order):


1. Adolescent development of late auditory event-related potentials 

Saliën & Calcus


2. Can rhythmic auditory stimulation improve the reading performance of dyslexic readers? 

Platonova, Goldina, Neau, Henke, Masson, Bouton, Giraud


3. Changes in patient characteristics of pediatric cochlear implant candidates over a 20-year timeframe affect language outcomes

Hare, Sear, Vickers


4. Development of cortical and subcortical responses to speech sounds during infancy

Hervé, Dubarry, Legou, Desnous, Prévot, François


5. Emotion perception in children with cochlear implants and with hearing aids 

 Rachman, Başkent


6. ERP evidence for deficient prosodic processing in school-aged children with early cochlear implantation 

Heine, Erler, Wegewitz, Vavatzanidis, Hahne


7. Human neural processing of auditory temporal modulations during the first year of life 

Lorenzini, Labendzki, Hababou, Basire, Calcus, Cabrera


8. Impact of moderate prematurity on early speech perception and language acquisition in infants, a longitudinal planned study

Danielou, Hervé, Dubarry, Legou, Desnous, François


9. Maturation of the frequency-following response (FFR) during the first two years of life: a longitudinal study

Mondéjar Segovia, Gorina-Careta, Puertollano, Ijjou-Kadiri, Arenillas-Alcón, Gómez-Roig, Escera


10. Neonatal statistical learning and beyond 

Tóth, Haden, Polver, Winkler


11. Neural coding of the rhythmic hierarchy during the third trimester of gestation 

Saadatmehr, Edalati, Ghostine, Kongolo, Wallois, Trainor, Moghimi


12. Neuro-behavioural correlates of audio-visual speech processing in children

Arrieta-Sagredo, Caballero-Gaudes, Martinez, Altuna, Carreiras, Kalashnikova


13. Recording Auditory Responses in the Newborn Brain using Optically Pumped Magnetometers

Corvilain, Wens, Bourguignon, Capparini, Fourdin, Feys, De Tiège and Bertels


14. Rhythmic regularities influence sentence repetition in children with developmental language disorder

Camici & Tillmann


15. The interplay of sequencing abilities, rhythm and learning: implications for language development starting in infancy 

Iorio, Moghimi, Trainor, Tillmann


16. The role of prenatal corpus callosum size for speech sound encoding at birth: A neurosonography and EEG study

Gorina-Careta,Ijjou Kadiri, Puertollano, Lip-Sosa, Ribas-Prats, Gomez-Roig, and Escera


17. The Corpus Callosum and Speech Sound Encoding in Newborns: A Parcellation Perspective  

Ijjou Kadiri, Puertollano, Blesa, Gorina-Careta, Rebollo-Polo, Munuera, Gómez-Roig, Escera


18. Using a NAO robot for vocal emotion recognition testing of cochlear-implanted children 

Araiza-Illan, Meyer, Maat, Başkent


19. Very early processing of auditory rhythm in premature neonates: the underlying neural oscillations 

Edalati, Wallois, Ghostine, Kongolo, Trainor, Moghimi


20. Voice categorization in the 4-month-old infant brain 

Pia Calce, Rekow, Barbero, Kiseleva, Talwar, Leleu, Collignon


21. Voice cue sensitivity development in children with normal and impaired hearing 

Gaudrain & Başkent


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